Does your dog eat his poop? This can happen for many reasons. It can be a matter of poor nutrition or poor health, but it can simply be a common dog behaviour. It is a behaviour that is also observed in horses, rabbits and deer.
What do various studies today tell us about
Dog food was very common at the time they lived in semi-wildlife and were not completely domesticated. They ate their dirt for many reasons. The female ate the
feces of the puppies and her own to clean the nest, so that the smell would not attract predators and endanger her babies. In the herds of wild dogs, healthy dogs ate the
feces of sick dogs so that they would not be detected by predators.
It is something that still happens today in homes where many dogs live together. It is therefore one of the instinctive behaviours that has been deeply ingrained in the dog's DNA for thousands of years. That may be one reason. Dogs currently living in semi-wildlife in Africa, North America and Russia still exhibit these behaviours. It can also be a health problem. If your dog eats his poop, you should see a veterinarian for tests. It's the first thing you need to do. He may have parasites, not eat properly or have a problem with his pancreas. The dog's digestive system is based on specific enzymes that help it digest protein, fats and carbohydrates. Today, veterinarians believe that by eating their poop they replenish many of the enzymes they may be missing to digest food. Vitamin B deficiency can also be another cause. The growing environment of the dog plays an important role in the development of behaviour.
The causes of dogs eating their poop can be many and vary depending on the dog
Dogs can eat their shit Because they are not fed enough.
Dogs can eat their poop because their owner rubbed their face on them to punish them. The next time, in order not to happen again, the dog eats them to hide the evidence.
Dogs can eat their bad because they are stressed, bored, do not have the right mental and physical exercise.
Dogs eat their shit when they are fed low quality food.
Puppies that live for many hours confined to small spaces with their impurities develop this behaviour.